One of the things you can treat like any other seq in Clojure is a lazy list. You can think of this as a generator if you're from C# or Python or such, and you wouldn't be too far off. What it is conceptually is a list in which every element is generated just in time when you ask for it. You give the first item in the list (grabbed by clojure's "first" function) and a function which, when called, returns the rest of the list. The rest of the list is one item and (you guessed it) a function which, when called, returns the rest of the list. Wow, I just felt some deja-vu...
Here's an example - the list of all the fibonnaci numbers. No, really.
(defn make-fibonacci-seq []
"returns an lazy, infinite seq of the fibonacci numbers"
((fn next-fib [one two]
(lazy-cons one (next-fib two (+ one two))))
1 1))
(def fibonacci-numbers (make-fibonacci-seq))
(take 10 fibonacci-numbers) => (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
Yeah. Sweet. lazy-cons is a macro that does the value-and-function magic I mentioned above. Ah, macros. Ah, lisp. Ah, clojure!
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